This video is one I definitely want to include because it shows traditional African American cultural dance. It is fascinating to see the transformation and development that the dance community has seen. This will serve as a video to jump back to the progress that is still not made, but also as a point of where this community started.

The Martin Luther King speech will serve as a purpose to share how hard the African American community has fought for their freedom. I really enjoy this aspect I want to bring into my video.

This is a video of an African American ballerina. This is a video to show that we made advances, yet this is something that is still not seen as normal and common. I enjoy this video and I think it will be an awesome addition to my Mash Up.
Mia Tallone
12/12/2013 11:35:50 pm

Ashley, I really enjoyed your mashup. My favorite part of it was your clips from the Africa group of males! They were among the first people to create dance and definitely created a community! I also love that you incorporate MLK because he is so important to African culture.

Allison Pfander
12/16/2013 12:31:33 am

Your idea for your mashup is definitely eye-opening. I never noticed how segregated dance can be, mainly because dance is something I do not really pay attention to. Your topic has explored a whole new issue to me that I do find interesting. I now know that things like this still happen and it will always be in the back of my mind to keep watch for it. In your video, I really enjoyed watching the men of the African tribe dance. It goes to show how dance is such a universal activity and can be done without understand what others are saying.


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    My name is Ashley Salerno. I am currently a senior at Rowan University. I'm an Elementary Education and Writing Arts major with a minor in Dance. I am one of the captains on the Dance Team here at Rowan. I really enjoy writing and I am always looking for new ways to improve what I do. Although this is for a class, and there are a lot of crazy assignments, I hope you are all enjoying my site! :)


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