This video is one I definitely want to include because it shows traditional African American cultural dance. It is fascinating to see the transformation and development that the dance community has seen. This will serve as a video to jump back to the progress that is still not made, but also as a point of where this community started.

The Martin Luther King speech will serve as a purpose to share how hard the African American community has fought for their freedom. I really enjoy this aspect I want to bring into my video.

This is a video of an African American ballerina. This is a video to show that we made advances, yet this is something that is still not seen as normal and common. I enjoy this video and I think it will be an awesome addition to my Mash Up.
I am choosing to talk about disturbance in regards to a technique discussed by Hall. I think that disturbance is the most common used form of advertising and messaging in commercials. Truth is, that in today's society, if we do not feel guilted into something, we are not going to do it, DISGUSTING, right? 

For example:

If you see children healthy, happy, and playing outside, you are completely less likely to donate money to them, compared to if you see a kid starving in the street. Why do we need to feel guilted into helping? 
TRUTH IS: if the images did not make you feel comfortable, then you would not do anything about it. If they don't make you feel guilty or awkward while sitting and viewing, then you will not help.

In Mexico this summer, a family sent a child up to me for food and cans so he can get money for them. Obviously with it being a child, I helped. HELLO! disturbing image .. donate!
Or what about: 
^^ our heart literally wrenches when we see this and it forces us to feel disturbed and guilty about the image. THEREFORE .. we donate!
The style of writing is something that plays a big part in the way your viewer will be able to appreciate and comprehend your writing. Different fonts definitely put an emphasis on certain things that you are reading. If you see the same thing written over and over again, but in a different font, would it change the way you see it?
The font that you chose, really does depict a different message. If I am to write an important and professional letter to a professor, I am not going to, for example, use a kids font or something childish and hard to read. I am going to use, for example, a Times New Roman or Cambria font.

In the example above, even though each ling is saying the same thing, each one holds a different meaning behind it. You have to assume that a different person is saying each line. This is because each line is typed in a different font. Does a specific font make us trust the message more? Does a specific font make us have different emotions or persuade us to feel different things the writer is saying?

Style is effected in all sorts of messages. Truth is, when given the opportunity, you are going to choose a font or style that best fits you. When given the opportunity to express yourself in any way, you definitely do.
This might have been the most frustrating blog for me. I wrote so many comments (at least ten), and I think I wrote them on another classes? Because I cannot find them anywhere. I reached out to our class to help me to see if I commented on their blogs, but no one answered! :(  I suppose I'll just have to write some now?
In my proposal I state how I want to focus on the music of today and how more music than we think is taken from other older songs or movies. I think this is an interesting topic because once I started researching, I was shocked by the different songs I found and where they came from! 
In "Everything's a Remix" Part 1 one example that I found extremely fascinating was when it began to talk about Led Zeppelin. Is Led Zeppelin actually based off of a series of ripoffs? In their song, "Bring it on home", we learn that it was actually copied from Wilie Dixon's song, "Bring it on home." What makes them different is that their base lines are different. However, the words being identical brings up a large red flag for me. The words from "Killing Floor", were originally written by Howlin' Wolf for their song "The Lemon Song." Does this make it copying? Technically, through what I have learned, this does not make it copying. In fact, it makes it a remix. This is because the tunes are actually different, even though the lyrics in the songs are identical. Technically by changing the tune, a new piece was created, therefore; a remix. 
When watching these Remix Videos, I have to say, I was really just shocked. I did not even realize half the things I was watching. Almost everything is a remix. And to be honest, that is a little frightening to me. How do you know what is original and what is not, when everything is in collaboration with everything else?

When using collaboration, it is thought of one's ideas being put together to produce and outcome. When ideas are collaborated together, this is when something essentially beautiful and new is created. Through these new ideas and products being created, it brings in the idea of intertextuality. Intertextuality can be described as the ability to produce something new from material that was borrowed and transformed. The idea of intertextuality plays a big role in today's idea of creativity because through this, we are creating new ideas and new products. 

Through this however, we create a big problem. Are we ripping off or stealing the previous owners material? In the "Everything's a Remix" videos, we learn that a remix can be defined as “combining and existing materials to produce something new.” 

Does ripping off or stealing material go hand and hand with plagiarism? Plagiarism is an act in which one steals material from somebody else and does not give that other person their credit that is due. I find that this would be a rather large problem in creating remixes. However, in remixing, it is called copying or stealing. This goes along with not giving the original creator credit for their work, just like in plagiarism. 

When first starting this assignment, I have to say, I was extremely confused. I really didn't understand the idea of a remix or what it really was. While watching the videos, especially videos one and two, I was able to understand better of what was being asked for me. The first video was more informative, while the second one showed me more of how to go about doing it. 

By presenting my Twitterive to the class, I was able to find some things that I said that were not included in my Twitterive. This made me realize that I needed to add them in, in order for my viewers to understand my story better.

I also really enjoyed feedback from my classmates. They were able to provide feedback that helped with things that I have been struggling with. I fully intend to look through all of the aspects they mentioned and I will use their input and feedback in order to improve my Twitterive.

They also helped me realize my reoccurring piece in my Twitterive and providing information on how to keep that going through out my assignment.

Usually when getting feedback from my classmates, I am unable to take their critiques because I can tell they do not care about what they are saying. The feedback I got in this circumstance, however, was extremely helpful and I am glad we presented to the class.

My main character is a girl who is beautiful, popular, and successful. She appears to be the total and perfect package. She is being excluded from a meeting that she would like to take part in.

The other character is a boy who is cruel to her and does not want her at the meeting. He has been tortured his whole life and has a resentment towards popular people because of it.


My character attends an anime meeting. She is being excluded from the people there. It is a complete role reversal. This is because usually the popular kids exclude the not to popular kids.


She attended this meeting on September 25, 2013.


The meeting was at Rowan University in the Education Building (now known as James Hall).


My character attended this meeting because she was interested in trying something new. She wanted a new experience and she figured the best way to have this was to do something completely outside of her comfort zone.


My character was excluded in a way where the other people at the meeting said cruel things to her. They also sat on the complete other side of the room and wanted nothing to do with her at all. They continued to make comments to her and made her feel extremely awkward and uncomfortable.
For this blog, I will be developing a character in my Twitterive.

Joseph is his name. But what was his problem

What was hidden behind those cruel walls built?

Joseph was a person who was bullied his whole life. When he was in elementary school, all the children teased him because he was the trailer park boy living in the rich town, raised by his mom and abused by his dad. These acts of bullying followed him through middle school. In middle school, Joseph tried to wear the "cool" clothes, in order to fit in with the cool crowd. Unfortunately, this made it worse for him. The began to call him "wanna be". It was almost as if this poor boy couldn't catch a break. In high school, Joseph decided that he was just going to be himself and keep to himself. His hidden love of anime stayed inside. His dreams of being popular stayed inside. He let no one in his walls. No one was ever allowed close enough. When Joseph got to college, he decided he was going to truly express himself. He began to dress as his animalistic version of himself and channeled it through ears and tails costumes. Fortunately for him, he found friends in other students who were the same way. Although he found friends, he still didn't let them through his walls. He still didn't trust them

When he saw one of the "cool" kids at the meeting, it brought back all the old memories. It opened up all the pain and broke the walls down with a bull dozer. He didn't want her there. He hated that she was there. All of the old memories attacked him and he couldn't help but lash out. He wanted her to feel what he felt.

The walls are up.

They won't come down.

Not for anyone.


    My name is Ashley Salerno. I am currently a senior at Rowan University. I'm an Elementary Education and Writing Arts major with a minor in Dance. I am one of the captains on the Dance Team here at Rowan. I really enjoy writing and I am always looking for new ways to improve what I do. Although this is for a class, and there are a lot of crazy assignments, I hope you are all enjoying my site! :)


    December 2013
    November 2013
    October 2013
    September 2013

