Is technology a distraction? Hmm, let's see. I think that technology can be a distraction to everyone at one point or another in life. But what would one define as technology? Internet? Cell phone? Applications of these devices? For me, technology is the device in general. Your computer, cell phone, kindle, and tablet are the technology. 

If you are the kind of person that can be easily distracted, then technology, a paper out of place, or a fly on the wall will be a distraction. I find that with myself however, I get distracted if I let myself get distracted. If I am doing work for school, I make it a point to not go on social media websites or have my phone within a ten foot radius of me. This is so that I can be at my most efficient.

I find that other people on the other hand, are definitely not like me. I'm not saying that this is a negative thing. I am however saying that it definitely plays into the aspect of technology being a distraction. I know people that cannot sit down at a computer to write a paper for longer than five minutes without checking Facebook or Twitter. Or people that cannot stop checking their phone long enough to get through a paragraph.

How about the biggest distraction of all? Texting and driving! People are so involved with their cell phones that they one hundred percent forget that they are operating a vehicle! Either that, or they know that they are and they simply do not care. For someone to be so distracted by their cell phone that they are willing to put their own lives and other lives at risk to answer a text message is simply something that is mind boggling to me.

So would I say technology is a distraction? I would say it absolutely can be if you are the type of person to let it be. It might be an unnerving thought, but try and think about what you would do and how you would do it without a phone. Or without the types of technology we have now.

Allison Pfander
9/10/2013 04:10:15 am

I agree that technology can be a distraction if you want it to be. I believe that there is a time and a place for everything and there are definitely times where technology should not be used. Driving is the best example out there. I don't see what is so important about texting and driving. Many cars are now equipped with Bluetooth which makes talking on the phone not only so much easier, but also legal. Apple attempts to help and stop this problem with their Siri application who can read and send messages. Many people have iPhones today but I do not think this feature is utilized at all, which can be detrimental.

Alysha Buete
9/10/2013 04:17:07 am

People are easily distracted and even something as simple as a fly can be a huge distraction. I completely agree with technology being everything that was mentioned and they are a huge distraction. I cant go more than an hour without checking my phone!


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    My name is Ashley Salerno. I am currently a senior at Rowan University. I'm an Elementary Education and Writing Arts major with a minor in Dance. I am one of the captains on the Dance Team here at Rowan. I really enjoy writing and I am always looking for new ways to improve what I do. Although this is for a class, and there are a lot of crazy assignments, I hope you are all enjoying my site! :)


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